How do
we have reliable elections?
Here is a quote from well-known attorney
Sidney Powell, a determined proponent of reliable elections:
will not have reliable elections in America until there are no computers used
to vote."
I think her argument is accepted by
many, but I believe it has serious problems. I fear that this focus on paper
ballots is more of a kind of nostalgia for what used to work, rather than what
would really be best to use in the future.
I don't think purely looking backwards is going to give us the answer we
of people are willing to quote Stalin who said something to the effect that the
most important part of voting is the question of who gets to count the
votes. Obviously, as we have seen in
2020, whoever counts the votes can engage in massive fraud by adding or
deleting millions of votes to get the result they want. It would not do us much good to work very
hard to get a paper-only election system, only to have it completely stolen by
fraudsters again as they did in 2020.
seems to me that the real issue is "Who is counting the votes?" In 2020, the real vote counter was the
Dominion voting system people, aided by Facebook and others. They made it possible for international
interference to change and juggle votes according to their plan.
also had the situation in several states where the Facebook contribution of at
least $400 million was used to basically take over the voting process to make
sure that those who were counting the votes were good faithful leftists who
would reliably cheat as much as necessary.
lesson I take from this is not that paper ballots are necessarily any better
than electronic ballots, but that one of the major tricks of the political left
in 2020, in many cases, was to move the control of the voting away from regular
state voting to be mostly controlled by outsiders. In doing so, they may have
inadvertently shown us the best way to solve the problem in the long term.
major issue here is that it seems absurd that a government should be the body
that counts the votes that determine who will run the government. If that is not a massive conflict of
interest, I don't know what is. We often
talk about the benefits of incumbency helping those who are in office to stay
in office, and it's hard to see what greater benefit of incumbency there might
be than being able to count the votes that determine whether they stay in
office or not.
other words, it appears to me that the main strategic line of thinking ought to
be to get the voting separated from the corrupt and self-interested government
units and into the hands of a trusted outside party. (Is it really time for UN observers, we might
wonder?) Anyone could have predicted that the corrupt machine politics in big
cities like Philadelphia or Chicago would have total control of the voting
outcome, even adding votes in their jurisdiction as needed to overwhelm votes
in other counties in the same state. In other words, one strategy would be to
directly replace Dominion with a competing line of computers and systems that
use identification and verification techniques that make it extremely difficult
to change any votes, or to delete any votes, or to add any unauthorized votes.
might be useful to devise a study as to whether it is better to have paper
votes and let the government "count" them, or to simply get the whole
voting process out of the grip of the fanatically self-interested government
bureaucrats. I'm going to guess that the
only way to actually ever get a clean election is to have it done outside of
government control where pure processing and auditing competency is in control,
rather than inside where naked politics are in control of everything. (We might
think of a process like voluntary arbitration proceedings where the advocates
for each side choose a third party [a judge] to make sure that the arbitration
process is fair.)
I discuss below, although computers can be used for cheating on a grand scale
as was done in 2020, computers can also be used to make cheating almost
impossible. A brief description of my solution
for the "cheating is almost impossible" option is described below.
can imagine why non-computer-savvy lawyers would like to get rid of computers
and go back to the "good old days" of totally paper ballots, but I fear
that is an unnecessarily limited approach.
I earned two law degrees, and then spent most of my working life as a
computer consultant, so I can claim to know something about both sides of this
solution discussion. I'm inclined to
believe that the use of computers to prevent cheating can be used so powerfully
that it should greatly surpass the "paper-only" option which has
become the nostalgic favorite solution, it seems. It may be that only a serious test case will
make it easy for this argument to be settled to everyone's satisfaction. In my opinion, the sooner we can run a test
or simulation and make a decision, the better.
I have an intuitive feeling that this "paper-only" option is
simply never going to be acceptable in the computer age, and if we do manage a
"paper-only" option, the determined fraudsters will still find a way
to cheat just as much as they have in the past.
a final argument in favor of trying to use computers to enhance security
(rather than to obliterate security, as was done in the 2020 election), perhaps
if we propose a serious replacement computer option which makes cheating almost
impossible, the lunatic left will actually agree to a paper-only system as a
fallback position or compromise, since they would see that as the best way to
continue to maximize fraud opportunities, rather than be constrained by a
rigidly accurate computerized system.
Use computers as a strong, thick shield to
counter computers used as a dangerous weapon.
Using GPS and QR Codes to Run a Precise
Election and Audit
while thoroughly auditing every
step in the process,
continuously and periodically,
with a final audit result within hours of the
end of the voting cycle
The November 3, 2020 election was stolen using local
computers, international computers, the Internet, national and international
cheating money, and hiring partisan vote processors who would gladly break all
the rules to win for their party. Summing up all the ways to cheat in voting
processes, as especially seen in all of the swing states, but also in all 50
states, we have now clearly documented that there are probably at least 200
ways to cheat the typical voting system as it now exists. By countering all of
these computer, personnel, and processing cheats by installing a complete new
voting system using relatively new but already thoroughly tested computing
techniques, every one of those 200 ways to cheat can be thwarted, and an actual
verifiably fair election can be conducted.
Using GPS techniques,
all potential voters can be located unequivocally on the map, with all
anomalies easily and quickly noted and investigated, and then their location
and all other pertinent identifying data can be included in a single
QR code, a precise identification replacement for the old signature method,
where that minimal signature method can be made almost meaningless today by
simply ignoring it. The combination of these two techniques, along with some
verification work by volunteer investigators and canvassers, should allow a 99%
accuracy rate for voting outcomes. Blockchain secure data storage techniques
might even have a place in the final solution, since the fraudsters commonly delete
masses of data to hide and protect their cheating activities.
the political left wants to maximize the cheating opportunities, and they would
really hate this "big brother" computer system thwarting them. But
the left also loves their own numerous "big brother" surveillance systems,
so they would find it hard to complain about using another "big
brother" system to increase voting accuracy. "Turnabout is fair
play" so that if we have "big brother versus big brother," and a
"battle of the computers," we might come out with neutral and
accurate results.
Zuckerberg has invented the anti-privacy surveillance system called
Facebook. He has invented the outsourced voting process, as in Minnesota
and several other states. The Chinese government and their allies in the
United States, including the CIA, have invented the international vote-stealing
system. Perhaps a US entrepreneur can develop and
promote a reliable voting system that can be tested in mostly-honest red states
and then gradually be moved into totally dishonest blue states, one county at a
time, through shaming and popular demand.
The 2020
election demonstrated that many legislatures, perhaps most, do not have
adequate control of subunits within their own state government, such as the
rebellious Maricopa County in Arizona. Those units disregard state law with
impunity. Perhaps that means that it will never be possible for legislatures to
get proper control of their internal voting processes. Perhaps legislatures
could take a completely different approach, as hinted at by the situation in
Arizona. I believe it was about $700 million that was threatened to be withheld
from Maricopa County for their misbehavior, if they did not comply with audit
requests. Perhaps a better solution would be simply to outsource the entire
voting process to an outside unit, introducing competition and greater
efficiency and accuracy. The legislative could change the budget so that the
counties did not receive the money to run voting operations, but instead the
necessary money might be redirected to outside organizations that are
specialized in secure voting operations. Those organizations might sell "voting
insurance" or guarantees that the voting processes they conduct will be demonstrably
accurate. Obviously, in order to fulfill that insured promise of accuracy, they
will have to conduct or closely monitor all necessary basic processes and auditing
suggested above, it is absurd that any government organization in America gets
to determine completely by itself which of its officers will be elected or
reelected. American governments were never intended to have hereditary or
entitled leaders. That critical voting process needs to be done completely
outside of government. In the 2020 election, huge amounts of government voting
processes were indeed outsourced to Dominion, and to Facebook, and other
entities, so that the results could be modified to meet leftist plans. By the
same logic, those voting operations could also be outsourced in the future, but
actually go to a trusted professional organization. As many have noted, we
don't really have these kinds of organizations, but it is time to create them.
We need a new voting industry, held to the high performance standards of our private
military contractors. We can't let jet fighters crash or voting processes fail.
details are available, if requested.
Kent Huff, Cell: 801-615-9032
139 West 1720 North, Orem, Utah 84057
Computer consultant, author, attorney
Sample graphics to instantly show status
of potential voters and any problems.
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